State chateau Kynžvart -

Adresa: 354 91 Lázně Kynžvart, Czechia.
Telefon: 773776630.
Webová stránka:
Odbornost: Manor house, Cultural centre, Hiking area, Historical landmark, Museum, Tourist attraction.
Další zajímavé informace: Wheelchair-accessible car park, Wheelchair-accessible entrance, Wheelchair-accessible seating, Wheelchair-accessible toilet, Assistive hearing loop, Good for kids, Paid parking lot.
Recenze: Tato firma má 3744 recenzí na Google My Business.
Průměrné hodnocení: 4.6/5.

Umístění tohoto State chateau Kynžvart

Státní zámek Kynžvart je významnou památkou v České republice, která nabízí návštěvníkům mnoho možností pro zážitkové prožití. Nachází se v lázeňském městě Lázně Kynžvart, jeho adresa je 354 91 Lázně Kynžvart, Česko. Pokud plánujete návštěvu, můžete telefonicky kontaktovat na 773776630.

Zámek Kynžvart je kulturní centrum, muzeum a turistická atrakce, která nabízí prohlídky expozic s bohatou historií a uměleckými sbírkami. Je zde také možnost si prohlédnout krásné interiéry a architekturu, která je typická pro klasicismus. Jako historická památka je zámek chráněným územím a je také oblíbeným místem pro pěší túry.

Zámek Kynžvart je přístupný vozíčkem, nabízí bezbariérový parkovací místo, bezbariérový vstup, bezbariérová sedadla, bezbariérové toalety a asistivní zesilovač zvuku. Je to také dobré místo pro děti a nabízí placené parkování. Zámek má 3744 recenzí na Google My Business a průměrné hodnocení je 4.6/5.

Pokud jste zainteresováni na návštěvu Státního zámku Kynžvart, doporučujeme si předem prohlédnout jejich webovou stránku, kde naleznete informace o otevírací době, vstupných cenách a dalších užitečných informacích. Návštěva zámku je šance na prožití bohaté historie a umění, a také si užít krásného přírodního prostředí v lázeňském městě Lázně Kynžvart.

Požijte si unikátní zkušenost s historií a uměním na Státním zámku Kynžvart, není pozdě Kontaktujte je dnes na jejich webových stránkách.

Recenze na toto State chateau Kynžvart

State chateau Kynžvart -
Shereena Lootah

Lovely place, great experience.

Parkings require payment, we almost didn’t see the sign for that.
Can only be toured and explored through a booked tour, which was 1 hour. There are 3 types of tours, we took a tour of the interior of the mansion, which was well worth it to see in person rather than just through photos because the interior is spectacular. I LOVED the library and the dining hall.

Tickets for adults are 200kc and seniors(65+) 160kc. The tour guide speaks in German and Czech but English booklets available upon purchase for 30kc to match the tour.
I’m extremely thankful to the staff member that offered elevator access to my mother after seeing her ascend the stairs slowly with a cane. He was also kind enough to assist her.

The area of where this manor/mansion is situated is so scenic and beautiful, I would definitely recommend that you visit if it’s close to you. We took an hour drive to get there and definitely worth it in my opinion.

We went on a Saturday at 1pm.

State chateau Kynžvart -
Thomas S. Iversen

A really really nice place to visit. Super nice location.. If the weather is good you will have the most beautiful experience walking around in the park and forest.. Visited in a sunny day in autumn as can be seen. Very beautiful

Went on tour 1 and got the history of the place. Unlike other castles in Czech that shows off wealth to varying degree this is actually interesting due to the a couple of factors. This place and the family was part of the history of diplomacy in Europe in 17-1800s.. The castle shows how they actually lived back then and shows off quite interesting gifts and artifacts from the time obtained due to the family's strong diplomatic force

The tour is in Czech but English and German translations exists as books and you will not feel left out much

State chateau Kynžvart -

Calm spot to spend on weekends.You can take a stroll around the historic landmark. Parking requires payment!!
Also, there was a huge golf course around the garden. Had a pleasant time?

State chateau Kynžvart -
Andrei Dioumaev

Nice place. Very nice park.
Unfortunately, poor information on the website. The latter claims the Palace is opened untill 4 P.M., which is technically true, but fails to tell that the last guided tour starts at 3 P.M., and one can't enter inside without a guide. We came at 15:10 to find the ticket office closed for the day

State chateau Kynžvart -
Alex C

Tour split into 3 which you have to buy a ticket for each. So if you want to see everything minimum 3 tickets at 11 euros each and 1 hr for each tour. Tours are mandatory and no free roaming (very strict). Most of the tours are Czech only with audioguide in other languages. Audioguide much shorter than what guide is explaining in Czech.
All in all I regret going.

State chateau Kynžvart -
Taras Nameless

Some problem of getting in due to a convoluted schedule of buying tickets and entry. But a fascinating tour of a house of an outstanding person. Great guide, definitely an hour and a half well spent.

State chateau Kynžvart -
František Havel

forest chapel, castle park, autumn tactics.

State chateau Kynžvart -
Dirk D'hooghe

Nice place to unwind. Very relaxing environment and beautiful. Go can have a nice walk here.

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